
Senchas Már

Incoming data
The title Senchas Már refers to a collection of law texts which came into being in the Old Irish period.


Secondary sources (select)

Breatnach, Liam, A companion to the Corpus iuris Hibernici, Early Irish Law Series, 5, Dublin: DIAS, 2005.  

A companion to D. A. Binchy, CIH (1978). Review article: Neil McLeod, ‘Review,A true companion to the Corpus iuris Hibernici’, Peritia 19 (2005).

Breatnach, Liam, “On the original extent of the Senchas Már”, Ériu 47 (1996): 1–43.
Kelly, Fergus, A guide to early Irish law, Early Irish Law Series, 3, Dublin: DIAS, 1988.
Charles-Edwards, T. M., “Early Irish law”, in: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (ed.), A new history of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric and early Ireland, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 331–337.